Hello our meeting is about to start. Be sure to check in by entering a comment AND be sure to refresh your browser frequently so you can see the new comments as they come in.
If you get lost you can call or text me at (970)749-9569.
![]() Greetings Business Meeting Attendees! Hello our meeting is about to start. Be sure to check in by entering a comment AND be sure to refresh your browser frequently so you can see the new comments as they come in. If you get lost you can call or text me at (970)749-9569. Jama Welcome to this blog where we can virtually manage the Four Corners Gem and Mineral Club. This blog is not private so please do not post information you feel is convidential. People invited to this webpage were limited to those who attended a business, board, or Gem Show meeting this calendar year, or signed up to teach a class.
On this page, we can hold discussions and even vote on items. There are five categories of information for you to review: We do not have current membership data as of the end of March, but did receive a couple online payments this month. In general we expect membership income to take a 25% or greater hit under
In a crisis, humans spend time dealing with the crisis, and coping with the crisis. When you actively deal with a crisis, you become better informed about it, feel emotions about it, and try to respond to it. You watch the news, feel lonely or miserable, or sew masks for medical providers. Taking a break from the hard work of "dealing" is called coping. This is where "nonessential" becomes important!
I removed all school group and public classes from the calendar through April 30 to comply with the State executive order to close all nonessential businesses through the end of April. I deeply regret how these closures will negatively impact our Club teachers and students.
Presently the Gem Show is mostly on hold, as we watch the disease outbreak unfold in our own area, as well as in states that send most of our visitors and tourists: e.g. New Mexico, Utah, Arizona and Texas.
As a nonessential business, we must comply with the closures mandated by Colorado law to limit the exposure and spread of coronavirus. The law currently specifies a continued closure through April 30, but this date may be adjusted over time. |
Club BusinessIn this blog we can discuss the Club's business. This website has been sent to people who attended business, board and gem show meetings or offered classes January thru March 2020. Please feel free to browse each category and enter your comments, ideas, concerns. ArchivesCategories
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